That's right, I would much rather be smelling the roses, relaxing with my kid's, typing on the computer or even writing about it rather than doing it...CLEANING, that is. Uggg. It is sadly ironic and secretly shameful that I, as a stay at home mother hate to clean. Dread it, put it off, would rather leave, shut and lock the door behind me and pretend it isn't there type of mess. That is what it has accumulated to. I need to get into my kids rooms and just gut them out! TOO MANY toys. My room is filled with stuff I need to gut out too. I don't think this curse is alltogether my fault-- entirely. I mean, when I was growing up whenever a job seemed to overwhelming I just sort of shut down. I couldn't just start somewhere. It always seemed hopeless! Like my house at the present. Definantly overwhelming. I am not a good organizer. Too much stuff to organize. It doesn't help I have saved all of my children's clothes since birth...never know if we decide to have another one... Then ontop of that mountain, my kind sister gives me her kids clothes that are in good shape. Her kids are 9 and 6. So I have all these larger sizes stored away for the future as well. Doesn't bode well for the storage space. I am swimming in all this extra stuff. It is affecting my mood in a bad way. If only I could be more like flippin' Martha Stewart, that girl can organize! She folds her sheets like the hotels do. Hey, that takes some major talent in my opinion. Oh well. I have to get going. The day is getting away from me all together too quickly, just like yesterday. If I don't hurry and clean even a little bit, I won't get anything done around here again today. Plus I am taking the kids swimming later. Maybe I will clean for 30 minutes. I am sure I can get some stuff done in that time?