Monday, October 30, 2006

Shiny Little Things

What is it about a fantastic teeth cleaning session that can bring on a case of the vanities. Like you step back into your car and WALAAA! You cannot stop flashing your pearly whites at yourself...while humming. Flash those teeth and BAM!!! as Emeril would say! Damn girl, ya got some nice teeth.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I Survived Halloween Party 2006!

Total kids count: 13

Total time it lasted: 4& 1/2 hours

Total hours it took to clean up mess: Atleast 3

Total Assessment: Totally worth it!

The kids came looking so cute! We played fun games and ate yummy goodies, ran around like wild banshees and succumbed to exhaustion slumping down to the floor to endure a 1&1/2 hour movie: The Haunted Mansion. It was a busy and exciting time for kids and adults who were desperately trying to maintain sanity! I can hardly wait till next year!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Happy Halloween to all! It is so crazy how fast this year is tumbling by. I really dig celebrating Halloween. This year I am having a fun party for my little goblins and their other trolls. It should be a blast. It is so cute seeing them all dressed up in their costumes. I have to scrape up something to wear because I insisted all the moms coming MUST dress up...that totally backfired when I realized the local Wal-Mart wasn't carrying my preferences. Neither Target either...oh well. I think I am gonna pull out a hideous brides maid dress and be a Queen. I will have to see if it still fits~ It will be entertaining for sure! Have a fun, safe Halloween.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Eye Surgery? Not for weenies.

Recently I have been considering Lasek. It is a way to correct your vision flaws and basically go under the "knife-laser beam" to get 20/20. Yikes. It is a great concept and it fairly affordable but the idea of someone lasering my eye isn't the first thing in life I wanna line up to try. I am not sure. I know tons of people are happy with their results and I would LOVE to not have to put on my specs first thing in the morning and take them off last thing at night. Hmmm. We shall see. If I do go thru with it, I absolutely will keep you posted regarding the whole experience!