Taylor Hicks Got The Job Done...

Did anyone catch the American Idol finale? It was the best one to date! It had awesome live performances by Live, Deon Warwick, but the best by far was the surprise of the evening--Prince!He is so old and still so cool! He has maintained the same image that made him famous in the first place. He also had these hot mama dancers that looked like twins and moved like synchronized swimmers...It was hot. Oops, back to the winner. Taylor Hicks didn' t even catch my eye in the beginning of the show. I thought Katherine McPhee would be the one to win. Obviously that was not the case. I stopped tuning in for awhile, and one night I caught a show. There standing and singing in all his rockin' sex appeal was Chris Daughtry. Hello America! You let one slip through the cracks! He managing just fine I hear, signed as the lead singer for the band Fuel? We'll see. Anyways, I think Katherine McPhee will do just fine. She is beautiful and the girl can SING! Besides look at Reuben Studderd vs. Clay Aiken...Who's famous now? ***Although Clay Aiken is starting to look a bit crazy!!!!
I kinda like Clay
LOL! Clay Aiken looked like a evil K.D. Lang.
Niles: You WOULD.
I think Chris is over rated and I thought Clay looked terrible. Thata guy who got surprised was hilarious!
I loved the guy who sang terrible, he was really trying to give it his all singing with Clay. It was strange because he did resemble him before Clay went and ate too much and got The Munsters hand permanently sowed into his head...aka, his hair? Poor Clay, he still is rich and he still can definantly sing! I think it would just be better to hear him rather than see him...***(insert beat to Clays song)..."If he was invinsible..." Ha, ha. All in fun Clay, all in good fun.
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