Sunday, May 14, 2006

Miss Informed

Miss Informed
Survivor anyone? Is anyone out there watching Survivor Exile Island? I am completely irked! Aras just won...Sorry if I happened to spoil it for anyone. So frustrating. I don't usually watch this show but for some reason my hubby and I got into it. And Terry should have won, or Cirie. I can relate to Cirie on many levels. Terry was deserving in my opinion because he worked his tail off week after week as the under dog. He solely kept himself alive out there. Cirie on the other hand had the comfort of a strong alliance later in the game. The thing about her that makes her deserving is she completely blossomed out there. She was a nurse, a regular mom. She stated in the last episode something along the lines of she was proud of herself because she basically lived on the couch the past 35 years due to lack of confidence and fear of the unknown. Now with this experience she truly realized her true strength and potential. Although Aras was well spoken, natural and generally came across as a yoga, "peace, loving" guy, I feel his true colors showed when he corned Danielle. Threatening her!!! It was sooo good what crazy Shane said to him at final deliberation with the jury regarding Aras. That he can't get by just by being judged on intention, that he would be judged on performance. So true, he talked this wonderful talk- but when push comes to shove he got in self preservation mode and I can pretty much guarantee he wasn't pinching his two fingers together on a mat going"hmmmmmmmm". Nope, not when he was trying to push around Danielle. Irksome! That is precisely why I shouldn't get into these shows, although it does show a good example of human beings. How they relate, handle stress, starvation, etc.,. Okay, maybe I will tune in next season!!!!


Blogger Nihilistic said...

I have been watching this season and then missed the finally...I couldn't believe it...

1:31 AM  
Blogger Some Random Girl said...

I missed the Finale also! I was so bummed. I can't believe that we missed it! Eugie was so bummed. So was I! You did't happen to record it did you?

6:26 AM  

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