Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My daughter doing a Costume Parade at school

Such a lovely princess...ahhhh! No wonder she won. I am so thankful for my muffins!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Phew, Glad That's Over!

Alas, we can officially kiss Halloween goodbye and get on to better things such as Thanksgiving(yeah!) and Christmas(My alltime fav). This is my favorite time of the year because everything is so family oriented. I did enjoy Halloween but after my early party everything Halloweenish just seemed like, "Whatever, we already did all that!" The actual day was fun though, I worked in my daughters class and she was announced over the intercom as Prettiest Costume. Ahhh, my mothers pride juices were flowing! She looked so lovely. My son on the other hand looked very handsome and swash--buckling in his pirate ensemble. I am glad it is over though, nothing like trooping your over dressed kids from grandparents to next grandparents house. Uggg. Today I'M THE ONE WHO NEEDS A NAP!