Vacation's Have Taken Over My Life!!!
In the past two weeks I have traveled in the car approximately thirty eight hours strictly to and from my destinations. My butt is going numb just thinking about it!
First vacation was to my hometown in Oregon to visit my family. Specifically my grandma, Motsey who is suffering from Dementia. It was super awesome to get to see my cousin Kerri and her family who I haven't seen in 4 years. They actually reside in the home we built way back when we lived there till I turned eight. Now just a short walk down their long drive way leads to my Papa and Motsey's house they lived in way back when and continue to live in now. Up the hill lives my aunt and uncle but now days my aunt lives with Papa and Motsey to help care for Motsey and give my Papa a break.
Seeing my Motsey was very hard at first. You know how you generally are closer to one set of grandparents? Well, they were it for me. It was SO So SO sad seeing her for the first time. I was all nervous because the last time I spent with her she was fine. We both cried saying goodbye and we did our little secret sign to eachother where you take your pointer finger and middle finger and cross them to signify your closeness. This time she didn't recognize could just tell. Once she hugged my little girl and looked down at her she started crying...I think it's because we look so much alike. That was all it took! I cried the ENTIRE time. Could not stop. I kept my sunglasses on and just wept. She wanted me to sit by her. We visited a bit and she remembered my husband talking HIGHLY of him. It meant a lot. Then later she came to my cousins for dinner and even on her own called me by my name. It was so nice to hear come out of her mouth. But very short lived.
Each day my cousin re-explained who we were to her. At one point my cousin said,"Isn't it so nice Ahna came to visit us?" Motsey looked at me and said,"You're Ahna?" I shook my head yes and she just layed her head on my shoulder and cried hard.
I don't regret going even with the hard, hurtful moments. We always promised to be close and made grand scheme's I would live with her one day when I grew up. Funny how things turn out. I tried once to do the "secret sign" to her but it caught no spark in her memory as I could tell. I realize from that trip love doesn't change. You don't have to fear the change of a person because the love you two share is timeless, changeless...It is always there no matter where you go, no matter if you try to stay away because reality is to painful. It is always there.

absolutely precious. Those memories are just priceless. Heather told me all about it and how touching it was and bittersweet. I remember the last visit with my grandma in ARkansas. I bawled my head off as we left she stood there waving. I knew it would be the last time I saw her alive. I treasure that and always will. I only wish I had more pictures.
Sadness is a part of life unfortunantly. The yin to the yang...or however it goes. In other words, it sucks. But I guess you just clasp onto what you've been given and cherish that.
I'm glad your trip was wonderful albeit bitter sweet with your grandma's dementia. At least she is surrounded by love of her family..even if she doesn't remember the past or even who you were at certain moments, I can most certainly guarantee that she felt the love the entire time.
Thanks for the encouragement! She is very loved.
I wash away sadness with equal parts vodka and Midori.
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How much do you want for that jug and its contents? he asked, with a sigh of gratitude that this supply had been overlooked.. Now hast thou what thou hast longed for.. Buller at all, and he did not hesitate to show his annoyance.. I intentionally refrained from interpreting those details concerning the unequal downward hanging of the two side pieces, although just such individualities in the determinations lead the way to the interpretation.. The blow caught Gideon squarely in the mouth, and with such force that he staggered back, astonished, while the girl took wildly to her heels.. Dey ain't see no mules like dem in Newbraska.. The Enlightenment Board consists of seventy-four members, of whom sixty-seven are necessary to form a quorum.. This voting power of Dennis was particularly valuable at the quarterly meetings of the Proprietors of the Naguadavick Ferry.. None were left but Hester, the great French scholar, who, being one of those young imps that seem to have the faculty of living without sleep, sat bolt upright with her eyes wide open, watching the uncomfortable visitors.. [3] In the course of the analysis it occurred to her that on the evening before, the conversation of the company had turned upon the English word box, and upon the numerous translations of it into German, such as box, theater box, chest, box on the ear, &c.. The letter was signed so illegibly that my companion was in doubts as to the sender, so he suggested that we stop at a well-known hotel at the corner of 59th Street, and ask the manager who the Comptroller of the Currency then was, so that he might know whom the letter was from.. 'Kitty,' indeed! protested Sister Spicer.. I need to be flung more 'mong people to fetch out what's in me.. Here I've had a big pot o' stewed chicken ready on the stove fer two mortal hours.. I--er--offer my sincerest congratulations--though I think you--er--overestimate--my--er--powers of penetration.. Just you stick tight to the thwart.. Joseph turned round and made a face at him.. Great excellences, my dear Prue, I sometimes allow myself to say, lie concealed in the depths of character, like pearls at the bottom of the sea.. We naturally could not think of doubting the experimentally demonstrated significance of the objective sensory stimuli during sleep; but we have brought this material into the same relation to the dream-wish as the thought remnants from the waking activity.. The same kind of dream about a forbidden dish was that of a little boy of twenty-two months...
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