Sunday, May 21, 2006

Pissed Off At Relatives

Well, I have been informed that you are suppose to blog daily. Okay. I am figuring the system out. Today sucked. SUCKED!!! Here's why: I choose (yup, it's ultimately my fault) to attend this bridal shower for my cousin. Let's put it nicely, we aren't on the best of terms. It is one of those quirky family issues that is complicated and involves all the woman on my mom's side minus grandma. I said it was complicated! So, like I was saying here comes this invitation in the mail, and I basically disregard it. Had my mind made up to not go. Well, time goes by and pushy, opinionated (whom I totally relate with and love dearly) aunties step in and needless to say I decided I'd be the bigger person, put on a happy face and do the family duty of attending. Mind you, this girl didn't show to much of my stuff and didn't even come to visit me in the hospital when my 2 babies were born. Arggg! NO more bitterness about that...? So we all show to this thing and GOOD GRIEF talk about uncomfortable!!!! I wanted to ditch the whole gala 15 minutes into it. We car pooled so we would have each other for support and that totally bit me in the butt once I realized the lovely plan back fired and in essence I was trapped! So the shower lasted 2 miserable hours with many awkward lulls. My question is this, if and when does family priorities get thrown aside and you are allowed to "skip out" on functions that you would rather not be at and others would most likely rather you not attend? Is it proper etiquette? I always tend to feel guilty like I am proving them right to my grandma(who is a neutral party to the drama, yet is fed lies from the enemies)if I don't show. It is a tricky situation and there's not enough room on my blog to address all the issues and blows that have been dealt. Summary: just dealing with mean-spirited people here. Not my cup of tea.


Blogger Sue said...

I am of a mind that you can and SHOULD say NO to ANYTHING that makes you uncomfortable. If it is the guilt that gets ya, send a small gift and/or a nice card. I have skipped family weddings and other gatherings without guilt. Even one wedding I was supposed to be part of.....Good etiquette and stuff doesn't say you HAVE to go, just that you should acknowledge the invite in some way :)

9:28 AM  
Blogger Some Random Girl said...

I thought you guys weren't going to go at all? She's been such a shit and I wouldn't have went. Family who treats you like crap don't get preferential treatment. Treat them cordially and stay away!

9:54 AM  
Blogger Dani Kekoa said...

If you cannot attend a function cheerfully because there is discord in the family, I would say that you shouldn't go. You are not obligated to attend anything, especially if there is strife going on - who needs that anyway?

It's great to want to be the bigger person, but if you cannot find peace within your own family, and they treat you like dirt, then forget it.

BTW - Thanks for commenting on my blog!

10:22 AM  
Blogger Miss-Informed said...

Thanks for the comments ladies! I am taking this into consideration for future... The gift and card idea is a good one. I did somewhat stay away- the other side of a long table, although it wasn't far enough. I still saw the looks. Oh well, all you can do is learn from it, right?

4:24 PM  

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