Prepare Yourself

As I am sure you have noticed, I have obviously entered the "cleansing of self " stage of the fast and that is why I have being incognito from blogger as of late. Ummm....right. No, honestly I just have been too focused on what flavored cardboard I can scarf down next! Nothing specific on my mind, just ramblings so bear with me please.
***I am just curious am I the only person who has to switch deodorants every couple months or so when the deo decides to have an adverse effect on my delicate underarms? I am not one of those people who can just hold to one that miraculously works No, I cannot raise my hand if I am sure because if it has been more than a few months of using the anti-perspirant I most assuredly am entering the UN-sure zone. I am the secret sniffer. Take for instance Dove, which worked wonders at first. I smelt shower and powder fresh, for awhile. All to soon I begin smelling like a can of Raid. Not fun, not pretty.
***I am just curious am I the only person who has to switch deodorants every couple months or so when the deo decides to have an adverse effect on my delicate underarms? I am not one of those people who can just hold to one that miraculously works No, I cannot raise my hand if I am sure because if it has been more than a few months of using the anti-perspirant I most assuredly am entering the UN-sure zone. I am the secret sniffer. Take for instance Dove, which worked wonders at first. I smelt shower and powder fresh, for awhile. All to soon I begin smelling like a can of Raid. Not fun, not pretty.

Does everyone's face get not smooth as they age or is it just me? I am startled and amazed at how badly I have an urge to get one of those chemical peels. Please just burn off a few layers! Don't inject me or tighten me, just smooth me out. Like an exfoliater on steroids. Hook a sista up!
I am excited to report I am checking out this weekend and going to the coast with a longtime friend for some R&R. I can NOT wait. I love little beachy towns overflowing with artistic energy. I am so looking forward to digging my feet in the sand and just breathing the clean air. I will be keeping a quick eye on the ocean though desperate to catch sight of a fin. I will play coy with the waves, getting braver by the minute only to realize I have gone out too far (if the wave comes half way up my calf I have indeed gone to far!) only to run like hell back to a safe distance. Only ignorant people don't know that most shark attacks happen in shallow waters! Besides last vacation I took there I met a diver who, upon answering my nosey questions, informed me that his best friend who also was his diving partner got eaten by a GREAT WHITE two years past. HEEEELLLLOOOO, who has that happen to them? Most people I know have never met someone who even knows someone who has been bit. Well, it also could be not everyone is going up and talking about their shark obsession with random strangers gearing up to go dive in the great blue. Hmm, could be. Ya know not cause ya ask not. That is my take on it. I am just saying.
Have a fanflippin'tastic day people! Remember if you care enough, you will smell your best!
aaaaaaaahhhhh. A cruise down to a beach town. How relaxing! have a great time!
I'm a non picky deodorant gal. I just grab what looks pretty and is on sale.
Oh have you tried the Apricot Scrub by St. Ives? They have another scrub that has this little beads of Idontknowwhats that makes your skin feel minty fresh. Try it!
can't wait to hear all about it!
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