I Never Was Great At Tag...
Thanks to my favorite read, miss Crazy Elaine, I got tagged to do this. Here goes nothin': As for the three people who check on me, go right ahead and do this on your page. I would enjoy seeing what you come up with!
A-Animals, I dig em. Especially fuzzy, little adorable ones. I love dogs best when they are puppies. That is why I buy the mini ones.
B-Blondes or Brunettes? I think Brunettes, being I am one! I like mystery with slight depth of personality. I don't buy Jessica Simpson going from, " Chicken from the Sea?" to "I go home and read poetry to unwind." I am sorry but I just don't downshift that fast. Brunettes are better! They really will read poetry and they ain't trippin' over tuna!
C- Christmas. It is my alltime is my fav-O-rite!
D-Desperate Housewife? Who ME!? If I was a character on the show I would be the ex-lawyer-come-mother with the kiddos running her ragged!
E-Energy or lack thereof! I am gonna go with Lack thereof!
F- La Familia. Family is the most important thing in life. Fo Sho!
G- Great Read. Good Books are a treasure, finding time to read them is Priceless!
H- Holiday, as in The Holiday starring Kate Winslet(love her), Cameron Diaz, Jude Law and oh yeah, the funny but not so good looking Jack Black. Saw this movie twice and will be buying it at my nearest Walmart on the Tuesday it hits the shelves!
I-Incident. Isn't it interesting how quickly someone(me) can loose their patience and want to put the SMACKDOWN on the random pedestrian taking their sweet time heading to their car essentially blocking traffic at the mall?
J-Jokes. Just kidding, I only revved up the engine and semi lurched at them once so that hardly counts!
K-Kidman, as in Nicole. She is superb and fascinating! Wonder how celebrating Christmas is in rehab with her man?
L-Loosen' Up My Buttons Babe, but you keep frontin' me...Snoop Dog is one ugly gangly mo fo. He looks like a total criminal! Spooky long one with gangsta eyes. Creepy.
M- Mandarins are some great tasting fruit! Why is it that the big mesh bags filled with them that people are selling on the side of the road always taste so much better than the stores?
N-Never say never, you just might surprise yourself!
O-Ophelia(see, brunettes dig poetry) Rayne, the name I wanted to name my daughter when I was pregnant until my husband said, "Oh right, come here Ophelia and let me feel ya!" I changed my mind.
P-Purple is my favorite color. As if you hadn't noticed...
Q-Q-Tips are a necessity. I like to get in there and get nice and clean.
R-Reckless driving. I plead guilty. I used to have a nickname in High School my principal gave me," Crash." I hit a parked garbage truck...Stupid thing! I hit a lot of things actually, another parked car, a fence(actually I flipped through two), a deer(atleast that was a moving target!) Don't worry, it was all the other drivers faults!
S-Sandy Beaches. White Sand. Or black sand. Doesn't really matter. I just wanna be there enjoying the sun and ocean kicking back someplace amazing and tropical.
T-Taintor. Anne Taintor. One funny chicka who uses vintage pictures of ladies and jazzes them up with hilarious captions. Go find her in the bookstore and have a laugh on me!
U-Umpqua Bank, what is up with them? They seem weird to me. Don't know why really, they just do. Whatever...
V- Vacation. I need one desperately. A week would be fine, two would be better. I want to go to Ireland and get down with the Irish. Or ofcourse Italy would be amazing. I need a magic money tree.
W-Whitney Houston is finally making some right choices by leaving her crazy, dead lipped "Poison" man, Mr.Bobby crazy Brown!
X- Y,Z! X is freakin' hard, didn't what's her name, Christina Aqguilara change her name to X-Tina for awhile there when she was rockin' the skunk hairstyle and grabbing her crotch more than Michael Jackson? I think so. Glad that stage passed.
Y-Years. They keep coming and they keep going.
Z-Zany. I want to do more "zany" things. Keeps ya young. I am not making my New Years Resolution to be more zany though, no thanks. That just sounds retarded! Who does that?
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