Duh Dum, Duh Dum, DUH DUH DUM!

Thats right, it is Shark Week people. My sister and I take Shark Week very seriously. If you aren't a Shark Week enthusiast maybe you should rethink that if you plan on sticking...hmmm, let's say anymore than a big toe into the Deep Blue Sea! If you haven't seen it before you should check it out. Discovery Channel has footage of Great White Sharks attacking something so hard they COMPLETELY come out of the water. If only I had a pic of that I guarentee it would shock you! Sharks have long been a fascination and GIGANTIC fear of mine. They are amazingly terrible creatures that bite and ask questions later. Razor sharp rows of teeth. Crazy eyes. They smell blood from far off. They can sense boat crashes. No kidding. They are coming...to eat you!
Heh - we just watched Jaws the other night...one of my favorite movies!
NO KIDDING? Mine to. Jaws. Classic! I LOVE it...all of them really. Yeah for us!
You are a FREAK! Although, I have to say I 've been watching too!
Now we BOTH are freaks. Fun, huh?
Hubby is a bigger freak. He actually goes out on his boat and FISHES FOR THEM! and people pay big bucks to with him!
I would LOVE to go fishing for a shark. It would be cleansing for the soul, facing my fear and all... As long as one didn't bite me it would be fascinating to see one up close out of the aquarium tank.
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