107 Degrees, 102.6 Temperature and The Day of The Sharts...

First let me start off by saying it is summer. No single person deserves to be sick in summer. Everyone should be swimming or going on glorious vacations or anything but be SICK! Shut in for a week. COME ON! This sucks! My poor precious daughter has caught some mysterious virus that symptoms would point to strep throat but cultures would say it is not. So basically it is untreatable and she has to wait it out, let it run its course, yada yada...Poor baby. I am juggling motrin and tylenol for my sweetie pie and she just stays HOT! The stupid fever is a stubborn one for sure! I am not one who does well when my kids are sick, hurt, in danger, in potential danger of anything I view as potentially dangerous! I am a tad bit anal regarding my children but seriously, they are my heart. I am making her tons of different meals hoping she will take a few nibbles and pouring all these different drinks HOPING she will drink on some of them. So there she sits on the couch surrounded by various cups of ice water, apple juice, gatorade...whatever I can think of and random plates of food spread around for her liking. Poor baby! Today she comes in and says mommy I accidentally pooped on the couch. Oops is right. Ugg. It has been an interesting week and I'll be damned if my throat isn't a little scratchy today. I am doubling up on vitamin c and praying not to encounter this evil tonsil killer!
*********Why the unrelated pic? Because it is funny and I hear laughter works good like a medicine! So there!
poor baby! I wish you all a speedy recovery! get lots of popscicles!
stay away from hot showers and hot baths...instead do lukewarm to cool and that will help bring it down. the doc told us pertussis is making a comeback,
oh goodness I totally hear ya on sick kiddies in the house. Maddy was sick this weekend and she was SO hot. Poor thing. luckily it was a passing thing, so right now she just has a slight cough and runny nose and seems to be getting better.
Those pedialite ice pops are great to have for sick kids. I highly recommend.
Hope she gets well soon!
Kodijack-Notice the wheels aren't in motion either...strange pic. He totally looks like he is about to go down!
Some Random Girl- What the heck is pertussis? You are freaking me out on that one! Sounds bad, real bad!
My dear Crazy Elaine-If only my daughter would enjoy the pedialite pops. She thinks they taste funny, which ofcourse they do. Like watered down gatorade on a stick. Luckily she is getting better today.
~Thanks for the comments!!!
Pertussis is whooping cough sista
Pooped on the coach...Hmmmmm
Yup, she had to toot she said and oopsy! Such is the days of a stay at home mother!
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