Jeepers, Creepers, Where'd You Get those..CHOMPERS!

Anyone hear of this weirdness? Back in the South someone caught a fish with teeth that resemble HUMAN teeth! Sounds strange out outright gross? Yes. Considering going swimming in a lake anytime soon? No.
Fisherman Scott Curry reeled in the 20-pound fish on Buffalo Springs Lake and immediately noticed the catch had human-like teeth. A game warden photographed the fish and is attempting to identify it. General Manager of Buffalo Springs Lake Greg Thornton told KLBK13-TV in Texas that he has never seen anything like the fish in the 36 years he has lived near the lake.The leading theory is that the fish is a Pacu, about which Wikipedia has this entry:
The Pacu is a common name used to refer to several species of South American freshwater fish that are closely related to the Piranha. They are vegetarian or omnivorous and are commonly kept as aquarium pets. They have unusual teeth, which strangely resemble human teeth, which they use to crush seeds that fall into the water. Pacus have been illegally introduced as exotic species throughout the world into freshwater habitats, including discoveries in the United States in Utah, Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan, Arizona and Texas...
Those teeth are very freaky indeed and I wouldn't want them to mistake my toes as seeds they crush in their freaky mouths. NO THANK YOU! First there are scary toothed fish, a.k.a. sharks in the ocean and now this! Is no water beside chlorinated pools safe anymore?!!
one more thing for you to be afraid of in the water....."No kids ....don't go in the lake....there might be a mean a PACU!"
I hear recently they found a fresh water alligator in a lake that was HUGE! See, I have evidence to back up my paranoia. If only I knew how to spell paranoia...
Awww...its sooo cute!
That looks like a guy who I used to work with.
you know....I don't know what would be worse....dying or being attacked by something scary. OR being left behind to live in this horribly scary world! Maybe I'd like to face the pacu!
Nihilistic-Hoping that is sarcasm you are using here!
Elaine-The real question is did it SMELL like the guy you use to work with?
S.R.G.-Equally scary!
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