Concert At the Casino

For my good friend, Random Girls 36th birthday we rolled out the red carpet and high tailed it up to our nearby casino for a night of giggles and Michelle with Jessica Harp starring as the Wreckers. The dinner was fun to sit around and visit and I had the PLEASURE of sitting close to the funniest gal on the planet! NO kidding! She is pure perfection! Her name is Julie and she is a spunky italian who is so highly oppionionated and overly informed she NEVER runs out of things to say! What a doll! The birthday girl was having fun enjoying her buddies and taking lots of photos! She looked like a rockstar with all her mysterious eye-liner. Woooo! Voo-Doo woman! The concert was good, but SHORT! They only have one album and so I was suprised it lasted only about an hour-if that. (I was thankful the tickets were so cheap!) They sound good together though. The best part of the night by far was going back to Random Girls house and putting blankets out on the lawn and shooting the breeze for a few hours. I had so many good laughs that night. These girls are lots of fun!
Mysterious eye-liner...hehe
You know what I am sayin'!
Are you both making fun of my love for the smokey eyes???? HMMMM???
I am so glad you got the chance to come back to my place. We are hanging and swimming on Weds. if you would like to come ova!
Why yes my dear I do! I will be there! No you aren't being teased,well maybe just a tad...
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