Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wrestling With Myself

I am restless tonight. The lights are has finally gotten dark, the kids are in bed dreaming and my hubby is out like a light as well. I am stir crazy. So why not ponder the meaning of life on ol' blogger? That sounds just fascinating:) It is a funny thing this blogging deal. I searched blogs the other day and came across someone who literally blogged only about the episode of Seinfeld he watched that day. EVERYDAY! Weird! Everyday, same thing. Everyday, no comments. That is freaky to me...crazy with his black background and red letters.

I think I can see the allure of blogging. The concept of other strangers viewing your thoughts and replying is interesting. I wonder if it is the narcissist in us all that enjoys being "fed" or stroked. Having our own personal "fan club" to pat us on the back like little puppies all lined up on our porch waiting to be thrown a bone. Hmmm, maybe I am just jaded because I lack such a following. Errr...rather, any following whatsoever. Ah me. It is strange how now I feel less pressure to concoct something interesting to say. Why bother? Now I can write about how my bebe flip flops were so adorable and expensive and how disappointing it was to discover how badly they hurt my feet. Now I can say without fear of being judged that this past Mother's Day I received a Mother of The Year award at my church and later that same week found out from the dentist my precious son has 1-2 (yup that's right, twelve) cavities and needs some capped. I feel like that adulterous pastor Jimmy Stewart. Guilty for deceiving so many. I imagine a recall on my award due to lack of information about my need to allow my son to have "chocolate milk hot" every morning for the good part of a year. Why should I not tell you that? Oh frippin' well.

I have finally made my decision that in fact I will be attending my ten year high school reunion. I think it will be fine. I am not sure how to feel about it and accept and suppose there is no set rule of thumb of how one should feel when facing seeing loads of people you A.) Lost contact with or B.) Choose never to see again (aside from the ten year reunion of course). It will be a chance to see how everyone has aged. It will be a trip to see all my classmates as "adults". The boys now men with broad shoulders and most likely soft around the middle. Now that I think of it hell, aren't we all?!! I am sure everyone will be toting around pictures of their children and I am sure none will be rocking the grill my son will be. We are just "G's" like that, you KNOW boooyyyy? I will be sure to bring my award for Mother of the Year. Take that prom queen bizzaaatch!


Blogger LadyHAHA said...

blogging INITIALLY started as something for me, but now it has been a great way to meet people with a similiar sense of humor. I know that by finding one funny blog, i find another, and another, and then they find me, and then people that check them out find me, then I find them. Its kind of wierd and somewhat voyeauristic to read stranger's thoughts and random musings and feel a connection to them.

Congratulations on the award!! and big whoop that your son has cavities that doesn't mean you're a bad mother girl! Now if you weren't FEEDING your child and had gotten that award...THEN ....THEN you should feel guilty.

1:50 PM  
Blogger Some Random Girl said...

hey, I think it's Jimmy Swaggart not Stewart...he was an actor from Miracle on 34th Street! LOL!

2:08 PM  
Blogger Miss-Informed said...

Thanks for the comment. I enjoy reading other peoples blogs but searching for them can take soooooo much time. When I do it, I dig it.

Some Random Girl...Who is my friend:)
But ofcourse you are right! Hahahaha:) THE one who put his penis inside that woman other than his wife! Whatever!!!!! You catch my drift!

8:56 PM  

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