
Looking at the picture,
faded in the frame...
Standing side by side
The smile on your face
Wonder if it's real
Wish I could go back there and give you a piece of my mind.
Wonder if I ever knew you...
Ashamed how things turned out.
Guilty to play a part of the charade.
Why do I allow myself to trust so easy?
How can things get so turned around completely?
Why is there all these undefined sides and everything is so unclear?
Everything is so unclear...
Replaying it all in my mind.
Fighting with you in my mind.
All the things I should have said,
Pour out so easily in my head.
Should have wrote you a letter,
Maybe made things better...
For the moment.
Distracts me from the present.
Should just let it lie.
Afraid it all will fade away.
Afraid to let it die.
Forgiving is the easy part.
Moving is the test.
Looking back has shown me
That loving you,
That's what I did best.
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