Lights, Camera...Action!
I have been quite the movie buff as of late. I recently watched Premonition with Sandra Bullock. My thoughts are this movie is a BIG let down. Does anyone notice the fact that indeed SHE is the one at fault for his untimely... well, never mind. You might have wanted to see it. My advice is don't bother.

In contrast to my feelings for that one, I thoroughly enjoyed Reign Over Me starring Adam Sandler and...someone else who is famous I am sure. It was SUCH a great movie. Tough subject but so truthful. I sat back and thought, I wonder how many families are still jacked up like that from 9/11? I ugly cried only once. It really was a lot about friendship and helping each other. LOVED it!

I want to see the movie Shooter, not as in Shooter McGavin...loved that scene in the bar in Happy Gilmore," Why don't you just go live by the bay, and eat some clay...what do you say? I just may!" Adam Sandler is hilarious!!!!
Of course not that Shooter though. I am talking about the one with handsome, sexy, rrrraaaarrr! Mr. Marky Mark. He is so hot. Even with his enormous nostrils...mmmhmmm!
quit ruining movies for me! WTF???? I love Sandy! I really want to see both of those...Shooter...not so much. You need to get Netflix so we can compare our tastes!
Netflix is pricey, sista friend. I know nothing about Shooter except the star is hot, HOT, HOTTTT!!! Sorry about the review re: Premonition. You WON'T like it. There was all these "holes" in the movie they didn't ever fill in. Dissappointing! What other movies have I ruined for you????
enormous nostrils? I've never noticed because I never could look past his enormous ......
never mind.
Elaine, Yes indeed this boy is packing some mighty nose holes! It is really noticable in the movie Fear and even in the new movie Shooter. Doesn't matter in the end. Baby boy is fine!
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