Shark Infested Waters...

My friend and I occasionally venture to our local sports club, aka gym and go for a relaxing dip in the pool. It is always lovely and there is babysitting for up to two whole hours(Score!). On this particular night we decided to head to the hot tub first. Inevitably it always gets too hot after about ten minutes so like always, we headed to the medium pool where two older ladies were soaking and two young girls were. We headed to the deep end of the pool so I could rest my arms on the side. Once settled we began one of our in depth conversations not really aware of our other pool companions. Like usual my shark fear grips me in about any body of water. My imagination is very vivid and cruel. So there I was hip deep in conversation, neck deep in water and my mind started to wander. I thought, if I was in Hawaii right now in the water this is totally the depth shark attacks happen." Now my brain starts sending images to myself of a shark...Jaws(to be specific), coming sideways with its mouth open for my thigh. " You better knock this off. You aren't in a ocean, so no sharks are HERE-DUH!" I shift slightly uncomfortable in my recent thought process. Focusing back on my friend I just happened to glance down mid sentence to see the terror that awaited me. The exact leg I was imagining being dismembered by a shark was about to be hammered into by a dark large object. My instincts kicked in and I lifted my leg quickly and made a sharp inhaling sound. My buddy, as she informed me later, just saw my face look down and freeze in horror. She followed my line of sight and saw a large dark object coming at me and so she screamed loudly. Whatever the object was hit my leg and an idiot girl emerged above water spouting to her friend, " I told you I could make it to the other side!" I wanted to grab her by her innocent neck and snap it. I was so frightened, but of course once it went down it was frickin' HIL-AR-IOUS! The old ladies were pissed because we frightened them with the commotion. Tough shit! One old lady said, "What? Did you watch Jaws today? Did you think you were the only ones in the pool?" We slunk over to the hot tub where I informed my pal of my just prior imaginations. She said she didn't want to admit it in front of ol' crabby patties that what she automatically thought after seeing my face and the "Object" coming so swiftly towards me that in fact it was a shark. She said she wondered, "How did sharks get in here? And how are we gonna get out of these shark infested waters?" I was laughing so hard! It was one of those moments you cannot get out the laughter fast enough. It was such a strange coincidence. Freaking hilarious. I will always remember that night at the pool.
hilarious. I can picture it now...some poor kid who gets knocked out by your powerful leg kick....floating to the top of the pool lifeless as you try to explain that you thought it was a shark! It's not shark week is it?
No kidding. I got Ti Bo kicks. Mad kickin' skillz! Funny I cannot spell Ti Bo(obviously I never did it!) Even still. I can kick ass!
Even if it didn't make any sort of rational sense, I would have jumped if something was coming at me from under the pool. That girl's lucky it wasn't me because I so would have kicked the girl in the face hard. And then i would have asked the old wrinkled bitches when exactly were they due to kick the bucket so I wouldn't have to hear their jowels slap when they talked. (I hate old grumpy whores.)
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