The Wrinkle Room And All That Jazz...

Last Friday night my friend Star turned 34 and so we went out for her b-day. She decided we would go to a club nicknamed The Wrinkle Room and oh boy was that the truth! Having no idea what to expect we all showed up and it was an over-the-hill smorgasbord! All kinds of "peeps" ages 45 and up shimmied to Old Time Rock 'N Roll. Perms and loafers were in abundance! The women had on mini skirts(slip showing of course), pumps (what else?) and even rayon "Sunday best" dresses graced the group. It was quite a seen. The men were in Dockers(pleated fronts), and casual Friday attire shagging around to Billie Jean. One man in particular kept himself busy by feverishly playing the drums with his cocktail straw on his glass. Intense man, intense. One couple in particular caught our attention(laughter) with their "eagle eyes" locked onto each other while they simultaneously shoulder shimmied back and forth and doing mirrored leg lift/kicks sorta moves. The woman had a pear shaped booty and sported a calf length floral rayon number. Elaine from Seinfeld had NOTHING on this gal! We could barely keep the laughter in! It was like the hugest group of high school chaperone's who were trying to live on the wild side had met up. The STRANGEST thing happened around 11:30. The DJ's changed. The lighting changed(goodbye neon plexi-glass, hello strobe lights!). The old Miami Vice crowd went to bed and in an instant it was Bone Thugs N' Harmony. Angle wood up to no Good. Everyone was Shakin' Der Money Maker! It really was the craziest club I HAVE EVER BEEN TO and do not plan on returning although we did walk away with memories to last a lifetime. It was worth it in the end. Makes for great, "Remember that one time..." material. Oh yeah, and especially doing the "eagle eye" couples impersenation. Especially that.
Sounds like fun, I like going there sometimes, there is usually not much drama, which makes it
I think I'd have a ball there. My guy friends are taking me to the Clermont, here in Atlanta - it's where "old strippers work after retirement" according to the guys. They tell me it's good for some laughs and a "can't miss" if you live in the ATL.
HA! That sounds like a good time for sure! Take a sly camera and catch the goings on with your digital. That way you have proof!
A senior citizen club that keeps it gangsta at night???
I'm SO there.
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