The Butt of All Jokes and Chunky Eggs....
My what a pain my computer has been! I HATE the little error/debug boxes that continuously pop up frustrating the hell outa me! Urrggg! Finally I can post! This past week has been nuts. First, most importantly our little miniature Yorkie passed away from internal bleeding. What an unexpected sad thing to happen. He was a good little dog and was part of the family. It was very upsetting. We LOVE TIPPER but are glad he isn't in pain anymore.
On a lighter note, the most DISGUSTING thing happened just this morning. I was going to cook my hubby some eggs before he went off to work. Now let me say right off the bat, I am sure we all have had the horrific experience of cracking an egg and GASP! there is a slight trace of "blood". That too is sick but not even close to what went down in my kitchen approximately 45 minutes ago. There I was cracking my first egg, all good. Here comes the second...crack and thump thump. Wha? What in the WORLD is that extra LUMP settled near but SEPARATE from the yoke. Like "brothers". This grayish, beige-ish "ball" of God only knows what had slid into the frying pan and began to fry. OOOooooohhhhh, ewww and icky and everything foul under the sun had used there vial powers and really messed a sister up this morning. I made my husband do away with it while I scurried away to compose myself(a.k.a. warm up the ol' computer for some much needed web searching). Is that not so awful?
Two days ago I was taking my little boy to school in a track suit(whatever, it is early!!!) and this man in a suit runs up to me as I am making way to his classroom. Mind you directly behind me is a guy I semi had a crush on eons ago taking his son to his class as well. This business guy was 30ish and he says, " 'Scuse me but are those new pants." In my immediate vanity I thought, "wow, this is really weird, I am about to get hit on at my sons school holding my child's hand." " No, why?" I said. I figured his next sentence would have something in it like," Did you want some fries to go with that shake?" Ohhh foolish woman that I am I apparently forgot I was in a TRACK SUIT-velour so help me! Not a real eye catcher. He then bursts my bubble by proceeding to tell me," Because you've got a big long sticker on your butt. Don't worry, I won't take it off for you." I ashamedly reached back and alas my fingers brushed the feeling of something smooth and shiny. Damn. A sticker from one of my kids shirts. In XSmall. Sure these are my new work out pants in xsmall. Yeah right. I mumbled something about him being a good citizen and slunk away. Come to find out my loving husband who is a prankster had put it on me but forgot the not so important step of taking it off before I entered the big cruel world! That butt head! He will pay! He isn't the only trickster in this household. I just have to think of something REALLY really good.
Lastly I have been tied up setting my son up an ocean themed room. We bought him this bed that looks like a boat. Scene it? They have it at Pottery Barn for kids. We got it for a fraction of the price at Costco. We painted his room light blue with dark blue accents and white trim. That alone took forever! Then I painted ocean scenes all along the bottom of the walls. My back felt like it was breaking after two days of hunching over. It is cute though and he just loves it! Next is new windows and blinds. His room is all windows so it is gonna be pricey! It has to be done though. I tell you living in a 100 year old house means the work is NEVER ending!
pooe tipper. i shall miss him. also, eggs w. blood. nasty. OH and I bet you have those debugs boxes and shit from your illegal downloads of music. LOL. This would be why I told you to be3 careful!
you know in the Philippines that egg would have been two seconds away from being a delicacy. (yes, they eat chicken abortions called "balot" -chicks that didn't quite make it because someone decided to fry it up-and NO. I do not eat it. My husband wants to try it though. gross ass country hillbilly!)
So sad about your doggy! :(
that is so sad. sniff.
Ahh, thanks girls. I am bummed about our pup. Elaine~ Your hubby is cray-Z to wanna try aborted anything! Eww.
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