Has anyone ever been to one of these? Or perhaps you are a multiple Pampered Chef party goer. I am usually down for attending a shindig for practically whatever reason," Friend: I haven't seen you in the past 72 hours..." Me:" Let's have a party!" Seriously I am a sucka for fun and most any reason is good enough in my mind to get together. It all started when I went to my mail box and received a neatly arranged postcard from my favorite(only) sister. Hooray she is hosting a P.C. party. Here's the PROB, I loose my marbles when attending parties that are masked as a fun, informative get togethers when truly the sole purpose for you being there munching the goodies is so you can empty out your own pocket book on their product. If you are a true pushover you will most assuredly have signed in blood to host your own show in the next 6 months by the time the last slice of Hazelnut Chocolate Cake is cut. Or, so I have heard. The overly enthusiastic slightly manic Consultant will make sure of that. I feel slightly obligated and resentful upon receiving the invite. GAME PLAN: Damn, now I need to go for support, but I won't buy anything more than the random heat resistant Spatula for $12.00 and I most certainly AM NOT hosting a party! Night of party arrives, I kiss loving husband and perfect angels goodbye as my dear husband shouts after me, " See if they can take back the P.C. stuff you still have in the box." OUCH. After gathering my purse and flipping him the bird I make way to the Partay! Still having my game plan intact...Until, that is, my sis opened her door holding warmed Choco hazelnut spread ready to pour ontop the miracle cake they whipped up in just 12 minutes in the microwave (using only P.C. products-OFCOURSE)! Oh shoot...I wasn't prepared for this. Inhibitions- GONE! GAME PLAN?- I left it at the door. I am completely enraptured by the lovely, outgoing Jewish consultant and all her kitchen gadgets, utensils... German forged full tang knives. I had no idea what full tang meant. It sounded to me like a beverage that need some diluting but Mrs. Wonderful In the Kitchen was more than happy to explain. I was useless and ready to do her bidding. Before she could say Mazel tov! I had signed my check and given her a blood handshake to seal the deal on hosting a January party. I am having P.C. remorse today. Although if I rack up enough catalog sales and sucker enough people into coming by guilting them and promising yummy food, I might get a few 60% off items. Besides, who wouldn't want to bring out that inner chef? I am going for the knives!

Has anyone ever been to one of these? Or perhaps you are a multiple Pampered Chef party goer. I am usually down for attending a shindig for practically whatever reason," Friend: I haven't seen you in the past 72 hours..." Me:" Let's have a party!" Seriously I am a sucka for fun and most any reason is good enough in my mind to get together. It all started when I went to my mail box and received a neatly arranged postcard from my favorite(only) sister. Hooray she is hosting a P.C. party. Here's the PROB, I loose my marbles when attending parties that are masked as a fun, informative get togethers when truly the sole purpose for you being there munching the goodies is so you can empty out your own pocket book on their product. If you are a true pushover you will most assuredly have signed in blood to host your own show in the next 6 months by the time the last slice of Hazelnut Chocolate Cake is cut. Or, so I have heard. The overly enthusiastic slightly manic Consultant will make sure of that. I feel slightly obligated and resentful upon receiving the invite. GAME PLAN: Damn, now I need to go for support, but I won't buy anything more than the random heat resistant Spatula for $12.00 and I most certainly AM NOT hosting a party! Night of party arrives, I kiss loving husband and perfect angels goodbye as my dear husband shouts after me, " See if they can take back the P.C. stuff you still have in the box." OUCH. After gathering my purse and flipping him the bird I make way to the Partay! Still having my game plan intact...Until, that is, my sis opened her door holding warmed Choco hazelnut spread ready to pour ontop the miracle cake they whipped up in just 12 minutes in the microwave (using only P.C. products-OFCOURSE)! Oh shoot...I wasn't prepared for this. Inhibitions- GONE! GAME PLAN?- I left it at the door. I am completely enraptured by the lovely, outgoing Jewish consultant and all her kitchen gadgets, utensils... German forged full tang knives. I had no idea what full tang meant. It sounded to me like a beverage that need some diluting but Mrs. Wonderful In the Kitchen was more than happy to explain. I was useless and ready to do her bidding. Before she could say Mazel tov! I had signed my check and given her a blood handshake to seal the deal on hosting a January party. I am having P.C. remorse today. Although if I rack up enough catalog sales and sucker enough people into coming by guilting them and promising yummy food, I might get a few 60% off items. Besides, who wouldn't want to bring out that inner chef? I am going for the knives!
Is full tang related to Poontang?
see..I don't do parties like these. Not for anything....because whether it be Pampered Chef Party or Dildo DingaLing Party..I'm a big giant sucker. I will buy EVERYTHING.
"Why yes, I'll have 2 heat resistant spatulas and a self thrusting, pearl handled dildo!"
It comes with free lube and veggie oil!?!?! what a deal!"
R.G.~Full tang is much less messy but eminates a stonger odor than poontang or so I've heard...
Elaine~ Yup I am a total sucker as well. She had barely bent my fingers back before I shouted "UNCLE! I'll Take The SET!"
Pearl handled dildo you say? Now that's my kinda part~ay!
new post!
I will bge revoking your blog if you don't post something new!
Revoking, what does that mean? Hmmm...What is this some kinda threat or somethin'? Huh, is it, huh? Lol!
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