Searching For The Bling...

The night slides were wicked cool! I am such a chicken but I had a great time. I think the "men" were happily surprised as well. We missed Miss Random Girl and her man. I know it would have been much funner with her there to make me laugh. One funny thing that happened was a girl named Heather was there with us and we all went out into the "wave" simulated pool they had there. All was cool once the waves started cranking up until it felt like we were being hammered in the head by them over and over again! This girl Heather is on the shorty side:) and was basically being drowned right before my eyes so of course I saved her. She clung to me like my little toddler clings to his mama! I was glad to help her out and in fact it was an upsetting situation. We decided to stick to the slides! I cannot wait to go back!
Lately I have been scouring every inch of my floor. Why? you ask. Simple. I looked down at my trusty left hand and SHOCK and HORROR my middle "rock" of a diamond fell outof my wedding ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in denial and HOPE I find it miraculously somehow... I just can't believe I lost it for good. I did so much laundry and dishes that day and even made a trip to my friendly Waly-mart. It is going to be expensive to replace it. I am bummed! I bid (stupidly) on a diamond on eBay...I won it for $1,067 dollars. The bad thing is :
A. Buying sight unseen, not a good idea
B. Who gets a 1.14 carat for that price?
C. It's in Israel?!!!
I think I am gonna have to buck up and take the bad mark against me cause I am not paying for it. Too much money to send to a DIFFERENT country on blind faith...