What's Up, Chicken Butt?

I have been considering donating time to my local rescue mission....I really think it would be a positive thing to put my focus into once a week. Especially because it isn't about me and entirely for helping others who are down on their luck. But I have to admit...I get a little frightened of weird people. I know this is a total assumption and yes, I am generalizing that people that go there are weird. It sounds awful- I know- but there are some odd scary ones I guarantee! And being a girl and all...YIKES! Then I start playing the what if game and all bets are off! I imagine one bum hiding by my car waiting for me to go to it to try to rob me or hurt me. I really can't see myself getting escorted to my car?? Can I??? So then what happens to little ol' me if that happens? Or rapists, or demon possessed people--I ain't playin'. I have seen that so I know that can be real.
I do want to help and I know in a round about way I will be helping myself as well. I have to trust my guardian angels got my back so I should be fine!
I do want to help and I know in a round about way I will be helping myself as well. I have to trust my guardian angels got my back so I should be fine!
It's a new adventure and I am looking forward to checking it out.